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Posts tagged “loser

New Beginning.

That’s it! I QUIT, I can’t take it anymore,
Life’s too Harsh and there’s nothing to Live for,
This is the END, its all Black from here,
No changes can be made, not even a mere,
At some point of time, we all reach this low,
When everything seems Worthless and being Happy becomes something that we used to know,
At this phase, what one needs to do is accept things as they are,
Cause LIFE can’t be all Smiles and not even a single Scar,
So don’t waste your Time dwelling on what’s gone and done,
It’s the End of a thing that marks the rise of a new one,
Life’s out there with it’s Endless Possibilities and chances Infinite,
Go ahead, make a New Start and run for it with all your Might,
So the next time you feel like a LOSER, don’t just sit there Crying,
Remember the story of the spider who’s failure did not stop it from trying,
Keep in mind this one last thing,
This isn’t the end, but a possible NEW BEGINNING.
-Henal Jhaveri